
The #1 Key to Success as a Professional Writer

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The #1 Key to Success as a Professional Writer | The Copy Cartel

Keep putting words down on the page. They are going to suck. You are going to get frustrated. You will question every decision you’ve ever made in your life that got you to this point. Just keep writing. That’s what the successful and professional writer does.

You don’t have to listen to your negative thoughts.

Stop feeding them.

The Professional Writer Never Stops

Keep putting words down on the page.

Your only job in the entire world is to make sure the next sentence you write is in some way unique from the previous sentence.

Your sentences don’t even have to be that different from each other really.

In fact, sometimes it’s best when they’re similar.

In fact, sometimes it’s best when they’re almost exactly the same.

As long as they help you achieve your one and only task in life…

Which is to produce sentences.

Hell, even some fragments will do.

You’re a writer. As long as you’re putting words down on the page, you’re doing your job well.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Including yourself.

Just put words down on the page.


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P.S. If you want to start your own professional writer’s life and get access to best writing gigs, you can sign up for the AWAI Barefoot Writer freelance service

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Barry Brown

Barry Brown

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